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All translations - Shamy4106

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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels I´m anxious to know you personally. You have...
I´m anxious to know you personally.
You have been a great friend, I hope you are my friend for life.

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans amicizia
Frans Je desire vivement te connaître personnellement. Tu as
Source language
Spaans ..........
yo estoy tratando de seguir adelante,no es para nada facil ya que mi vida a cambiado por completo,por eso me e propuesto olvidarte definitivamente,no sera facil pero pondre todo de mi parte y hare todo lo posible para q asi sea,con respecto a esa email q dices yo no te he mandado nada,debe ser una de tus tantas admiradoras.

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans .......
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latyn Carolus secundus dei gratia magnae brittaniae...
Carolus secundus dei gratia magnae brittaniae franciae et hiberniae rex
Inschrift auf dem Wappen von Charles II im Royal Citadel
britisches englisch

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Charles II
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spaans borrar cualquier acceso directo del escritorio...
borrar cualquier acceso directo del escritorio creado por el programa.ahora para deslimitar el tiempo del codigo que es de un ano,hacer lo siguiente...

pulsar ok y cerrarlahora el icono...copiarlo al escritorio,hacer doble clic y te saldra que windows no encuentra el ejecutable,pulsa en examinar y buscalo dentro de la carpeta ADCDA y ya cuando piques en este acceso directo para deslimitar el tiempo

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Dal desktop eliminare qualunque accesso diretto....
Engels Delete from desktop
Source language

Vertalings gedaan
Latyn Hodie magnus dies ut cadam est.
Source language
Engels II am the master of my fate am the captain of my...
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul

Vertalings gedaan
Hebreeus אני אדון לגורלי
Latyn Dominus mei fati sum
Source language
Italiaans sorridi sempre alla vita
sorridi sempre alla vita

Vertalings gedaan
Latyn Semper arride vitae.
Source language
Spaans el universo a nuestros pies
el universo a nuestros pies
i want it to be in latin, can someone translate this for me please

Vertalings gedaan
Latyn Mundus nostris pedibus
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels my family, my blood
my family, my blood
it's for a tattoo

Vertalings gedaan
Latyn mea familia, meus sanguis
Source language
Engels Remember Spartacus!
Remember Spartacus!
Remember in the imperative and in the second person of plural.
Português: Lembrai-vos de Spartacus!

Vertalings gedaan
Latyn Memorate Spartacum!
Source language
Brasiliaanse Portugees EU SIMPLESMENTE AMO VOCÊ

Vertalings gedaan
Latyn Simpliciter, te amo
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Brasiliaanse Portugees Minhas armas
A espada é minha arma de defesa!
A flecha é minha arma de ataque!
Gostaria de o texto traduzido do grego fosse no alfabeto ocidental.

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Le mie armi
Esperanto Miaj armiloj
Grieks Τα όπλα μου
Engels My weapons
Latyn Mea arma
Source language
Engels If you don't give, You're never going to get
If you don't give,
You're never going to get

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Se non dai, non avrai mai
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels contrattazione su e-bay
This is the first communication we have heard from the buyer. They never contacted us through ebay to let us know that there was a problem. The item was shipped on 3-29.
We have experienced lengthy delays with the customs department in Italy. Let us try to investigate what has happened. We have to way of contacting the customs department in Italy however.
Is there any way for the buyer to contact their post office to try to see if there is any message from the customs department in Italy?

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans ebay
Source language
Frans avez vous bien mangé
avez vous bien mangé

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Have you eaten well?
Source language
Engels The discharge pump serves for discharging and...
The pump is enclosed by a heating jacket that is flowed through by either a liquid or a vaporous heating medium (8). The four bearíng bushes (friction bearings) are lubricated by the conveying medium. The lubricant flow is led from the delivery side of the pump (outIet) into the lubrication grooves of the bearing bushes, and from the trunnion ends of pinion and pinion shaft back to the inlet.

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans La pompa è coperta..
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spaans El problema del etnocentrismo en el debate...
El problema del etnocentrismo
en el debate antropológico entre Clifford Geertz, Richard Rorty y Lévi-Strauss
La globalización económica, cultural y tecnológica trae consigo el resurgir de problemas como el racismo, el nacionalismo, el fundamentalismo que hunden su raíz en el etnocentrismo. El presente artículo expone una interesante discusión entre el antropólogo Clifford Geertz y Richard Rorty, junto con Lévi-Strauss, sobre el problema de la interculturalidad. .
la traduccion debe ser en la lingua arabe de Jordania
la palabra etncocenrismo, quiere decir en arabe استعراق

Vertalings gedaan
Engels The problem of Etno-centrism
Arabies المشكلة العرقيّة
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